First Post
So, I will have to play around with settings here to get this as I want it. I'll work on getting up the new footage stuffs tomorrow, though not tomorrow from when this post was originally made...
So, I will have to play around with settings here to get this as I want it. I'll work on getting up the new footage stuffs tomorrow, though not tomorrow from when this post was originally made...
So, some changes are happening here at the Lordclark site. Before, this page wasn't actually hosted here, but all errors have been fixed so this is now actually at The posts from before have been brought over here but I don't really feel like bringing over the old comments (maybe I will if enough people request it). About the new movies, there are three of them. They'll be up soonish if everything works out right.
-Lordclark has finally finished being moved to a new host! My next task will be to stream the videos from itself and not youtube, but that can wait until tomorrow. The stunts from yesterday will be up within the next few days. Until then, leave a comment, and enjoy the site!
Ok, the other movie from sunday can be downloaded here but be warned that it is a 245 mb download. I'm working on changing this. Once I have a smaller file size I'll embed it into the site like the others. About the embedding, I'm working on getting it to only load when you click on it, so that multiple movies on a page isn't a problem. I'm not entirely sure as to how to do that, but I'm getting there.
-Lordclark lacky
Yesterday Adam slept in and never showed up. So, consequently, we didn't film anything this week. So, what I do have are the rotation videos from last week, now in five segments. The first two segments somehow are still about 100 megs each but the last three are very resonable. We'll spend more time on parts next time an issue of this sort arises. And, next week we'll be sure that Adam makes up for his lack of attendance.
-Lordclark lacky
I'm hoping that this will look more organized but I need to know what others think about it. Right now I have the 2 latest news posts and the 2 latest movies displayed on the mainpage. Next I'll be working on the link bars to the right to make them easier. But, in the meantime tell me what you think; Do you like this setup? Should I have more or less posts in either category? Should movies be on top and news on bottom? Should I change the color of anything? And finally, for my knowledge, how often do you check this site?
-Lordclark lacky
So, it's been a while now since anything new has been up, but that's not to say that nothing happened. Adam had some fun jumping on Sunday, which can be seen below. I think that you'll agree that this makes up for his lack of attendance two weeks ago, which he was really dissapointed about. I'm sure he'll post his own thoughts about the jumping experience sometime. Enjoy!
-Lordclark Lacky
I can't tell you too much of what we were doing this week, besides that we decided to make an ad and that we have some pretty cool stunts to show off. The ad isn't finished yet, and because it's for a competition I can't post anything until the competition is over, but here is a link of what we did.
[Links broken till further notice]
Sorry for the outrageous size. A smaller version for streaming is being thought about as I type.
-Lordclark Lacky
I'm very sorry for the delay but Adam's Stunts has slowed down this new year. We fully intend to get back on track starting this february. Until then we're catching up with what should have been done a while ago. So, after a month and a half you can finally scroll down to see a preview of the flying soda. Enjoy!
-Lordclark Lacky
After about a month of sitting around we've finally got some more stunts to share, six of them to be exact. There are two up right now, and one other one will be coming up every day for the next for days. Enjoy!
-Lordclark Lacky
After about a month of sitting around we've finally got some more stunts to share, six of them to be exact. There are two up right now, and one other one will be coming up every day for the next for days. Enjoy!
-Lordclark Lacky
Yesterday we did our stunts mostly as a group, and we have five clips to show for it. Sadly the batteries of the camera gave out, or we might have had more. Anyway, this will be the same format as last week with two new videos today and a new one for the next three days.
-Lordclark Lacky
After a month or two of forgetting to turn on the camera we now have something new, sword fighting! Well, this week it was literally Sword fighting, as in just one sword, but we'll improve next week. Adam is trying to learn how to be a professional swordsman, by himself. So, we should all wish him luck.
-Lordclark Lacky
Adam leaves at the end of this week and probably won't be available much until just before school starts up again, so basically not until the end of summer. So, to still have new content I'm going through the old videos and adding extra effects and details to make them more interesting. Below is a preview of what I'm working on.
-Lordclark Lacky
After near death experiences, as will be shown in upcoming clips, I have managed to stay alive for another day! Once again, we're sorry for the delay on the uploading of the films. I'm as anxious as you are to see what I've been doing. Hopefully we'll be able to get some clips up soon and be able to watch what should be a series of entertaining mistakes. Made by me.
-Adam Radl
The new movies are coming! Hours of footage need to be put on the site and Lordclark is working on them. In the meantime there is some unedited-soon-to-be-lightsaber footage that can be seen below. We'll put more up in the next few days. Yes, this is old stuff and I'm sorry but the new stuff hasn't been uploaded yet so I can't post it. More to come soon!
-Lordclark Lacky
I'm currently making a lot of changes to the site internally and will also soon be adding some new movies too, so excuse any broken links you may find. Any wanted changes or movie suggestions can be directed to feedback[at]
-Lordclark Lacky
p.s. Upcoming: The Lordclark Strongman Competitions
So for everyone who's been expecting me to put up a lot of new movies, I'm sorry, I haven't quite gotten there yet. The good news though is that school is pretty much done and that I have had time to update the site. My dad was looking at the old videos and pointed out to me that the really old videos were still being hosted by youtube, and then I realized that some links were broken and that some videos were still in the quicktime format. And that's all fixed now. Everything is in flash video format. If you use internet explorer 7 you might have problems viewing movies when there are multiple movies on the same page, but that's because you should be using firefox ;) . I'm planning on getting the other strongman stuff tomorrow and some more lightsaber stuff by the weekend. And now, back to work...
-Lordclark Lacky
The lightsaber footage is still on it's way. Here is a preview of one such clip:
I won't make any promises but they should be coming soon.
I finished the lightsaber movie but can't upload it until after work today, so come back later. While playing around with new plugins I came across this effect:
I'm not sure what it would be used for but it looks cool... :)
-Lordclark Lacky
As Adam and I are both off at college now, Adam's Stunts videos have become fairly rare, as anyone who comes to this site oftenish is aware. The d-group that is left is finally starting to come up with new videos and should soon be back on track for one short video a week, if I'm to believe what I'm been told.
-The Lordclark Lackey
Inspired by Top Gear we've decided to bring back Adam's Stunts in a more mature fashion: Lawnmower Racing!
Each of the competitors (currently 3) have a budget of $100 to purchase and modify a lawnmower so that they can ride it around to complete various challenges. The exact nature of the challenges are still being decided but will include a race around some sort of track, an uphill challenge, an off-road challenge, a grass-cutting challenge, and a pull strength challenge. The entire adventure will be filmed and photographed with updates posted here. More details to come.
This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Adam's Stunts in the News category. They are listed from oldest to newest.
Movie is the previous category.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.