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Fixed Links and Coming Movies

So for everyone who's been expecting me to put up a lot of new movies, I'm sorry, I haven't quite gotten there yet. The good news though is that school is pretty much done and that I have had time to update the site. My dad was looking at the old videos and pointed out to me that the really old videos were still being hosted by youtube, and then I realized that some links were broken and that some videos were still in the quicktime format. And that's all fixed now. Everything is in flash video format. If you use internet explorer 7 you might have problems viewing movies when there are multiple movies on the same page, but that's because you should be using firefox ;) . I'm planning on getting the other strongman stuff tomorrow and some more lightsaber stuff by the weekend. And now, back to work...

-Lordclark Lacky


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2008 10:10 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Strong Man Competition Part 1.

The next post in this blog is Strong Man Competition Part 2.

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