Lightsabers are coming!
The lightsaber footage is still on it's way. Here is a preview of one such clip:
I won't make any promises but they should be coming soon.
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The lightsaber footage is still on it's way. Here is a preview of one such clip:
I won't make any promises but they should be coming soon.
I finished the lightsaber movie but can't upload it until after work today, so come back later. While playing around with new plugins I came across this effect:
I'm not sure what it would be used for but it looks cool... :)
-Lordclark Lacky
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So here's what happened: The first render didn't quite work due to a corrupt file and the second one I rendered today I forgot to make a flash version. I would do it now but I really need some sleep before work tomorrow. If you want to see the first lightsaber test installment and can't wait then you can download the 200+ meg file below.
-Lordclark Lacky
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