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November 2007 Archives

November 14, 2007

I'm not dead!

After near death experiences, as will be shown in upcoming clips, I have managed to stay alive for another day! Once again, we're sorry for the delay on the uploading of the films. I'm as anxious as you are to see what I've been doing. Hopefully we'll be able to get some clips up soon and be able to watch what should be a series of entertaining mistakes. Made by me.

-Adam Radl

November 22, 2007

Raw Lightsaber Footage

I meant to have these movies edited properly a while ago but a lot of computer issues and school assignments among other things have gotten in the way. So, here's some of the raw footage without any effects.

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New Movies

The new movies are coming! Hours of footage need to be put on the site and Lordclark is working on them. In the meantime there is some unedited-soon-to-be-lightsaber footage that can be seen below. We'll put more up in the next few days. Yes, this is old stuff and I'm sorry but the new stuff hasn't been uploaded yet so I can't post it. More to come soon!

-Lordclark Lacky

November 24, 2007

Raw Lightsaber Footage 2

I meant to have these movies edited properly a while ago but a lot of computer issues and school assignments among other things have gotten in the way. So, here's some of the raw footage without any effects.

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November 30, 2007

In the Woods

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About November 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Adam's Stunts in November 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2007 is the previous archive.

December 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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